Full Stack Development Services
I’m Darren Osadchuk, and my company is Ludicrous Software. I provide mobile and web development services to clients around the world. I also have a couple of award-winning iOS/Android applications live in the Apple and Google app stores.
Vice Verba

Vice Verba helps students of ancient Latin master verb forms. Players parse verbs and produce forms to earn togas. When enough togas are collected, an ‘imago’ of a famous dead Roman is unlocked. Players can customize the game by choosing tenses, voices, and moods, and the presence or absence of macrons. The game increases in difficulty as the player's skills improve.
Featuring artwork by Rick Sealock, Vice Verba is a joint project with Dr. Pauline Ripat of the Department of Classics at the University of Winnipeg and Dr. Christina Vester of the Department Classical Studies at the University of Waterloo. Drs. Ripat and Vester were awarded the Elaine Fantham Award in Public Engagement from the Classical Association of Canada for their work on Vice Verba and Hoi Polloi Logoi.
Hoi Polloi Logoi

Hoi Polloi Logoi is the Greek companion to Vice Verba. It is an educational game designed to help students of ancient Greek master verb forms. Players parse verbs and produce forms to earn coins and unlock 'dating profiles' of mythical creatures. Players can customize the game by choosing tenses, voices, and moods, and the presence or absence of accents.
Hoi Polloi Logoi is another collaboration with Rick Sealock, Dr. Pauline Ripat (Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg), and Dr. Christina Vester (Department of Classical Studies, University of Waterloo). Drs. Ripat and Vester were awarded the Elaine Fantham Award in Public Engagement from the Classical Association of Canada for their work on Vice Verba and Hoi Polloi Logoi.
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